Refractive Ray Marching

A refractive ray marching simulation.

(WIP) Deferred Renderer

Summer 2024Made with C++ A deferred renderer in C++, using minimal libraries just for saving images and reading json. All rendering is done purely with C++ (and on…

Modified Dual Marching Cubes

May 2024Made with Python Informal Abstract Marching cubes (MC) is a well-known algorithm for constructing meshes out of surface information, and is commonly used in procedural terrain generation…

Inverse Approximation of Non-linear Dimensionality Reduction

Dec 2023Made with Python Informal Abstract Dimensionality reduction (DR) is a technique in data analysis that compresses data to isolate the most important features and relationships. Linear DR…

The Adventures of Radish Boy

July 2023Made with Unity, published and playable at For GMTK 2023, my friends and I collaborated to make a menu-based platformer for the theme “Role Reversal.” I…

ASCII Rendering

June 2022Made with p5.js Click + Drag to rotate. The above is ordinary text on a webpage, there is no pixel drawing. The button above will copy the…

Face Morph

A face-morph program using python and the OpenCV face detection library.

Stewart Platform

My friend and I made a six legged platform that can move and rotate in any direction.

Image Hosting in Minecraft

I made a way to display memes inside modded Minecraft.